This morning I woke up and meandered out to the kitchen like I do most mornings. I started the coffee like I normally do, noticing that we were running low and I would need to buy some more. As the coffee perked I got down my mug and added a couple of teaspoons of sugar, noticing as I did that we were running low and I would need to buy some more. After the coffee had finally burbled to a stop I poured a mug full and added a splash of milk, noticing as I did that we were running low and I would need to buy some more.
I took my cuppa joe to the table and sat down with a puzzle magazine to work on while I woke up, noticing as I did that the magazine was nearly full and I would need to buy another. I sat quietly working on my puzzles and drinking my caffeine when about 15 minutes into my ritual I suddenly realized that Crap! I was going to have to go to the store today.
I groaned to myself, slumped down in my seat and buried my head in my arms. Then I dragged my sorry self out of the chair and made a list. It took me somewhere along the lines of 5 hours but I finally finished it and got everyone dressed, fed, ready to go and loaded into the car. As I was climbing into the driver's seat I noticed a package and a few envelopes had beat me there.
Aha! Our mail lady must have placed yesterday's mail in the car because it was raining when she delivered it. That explains why there wasn't any in the mailbox when I checked.
I didn't really care so much about the envelopes, they were full of the general mish-mash of junk that we receive everyday. It was the package that piqued my interest. It was my order from
When I first saw the eggs on this site I swore I had died and gone to pretty, pastel sugar heaven. I don't think there actually is such a place, which makes it even more amazing that I died and went there. The eggs that the owner Ashley makes are absolutely gorgeous. Honestly they more resemble pretty works of art than candy confections.
Ashley, being the really sweet girl that she is was nice enough to squeeze my order in with her last batch and mail it out so my wee little stinker's could have these eggs for Easter. She's very detailed in finding out exactly what you're looking for so that she can create the perfect sugar egg for you. She has 3 sizes available and the larger the egg you decide on the more detail she can work into it.
I decided to order four of the smaller eggs, one for each child, rather than a single large one to share. Each egg arrived sealed in plastic and double packaged in bubble wrap. Then she nestled them in green basket grass. I loved the presentation but not nearly as much as I did the eggs.
Each one is stunning, even better than I imagined they would be. I'm half tempted not to let the children know that they are edible in hopes that the eggs will last longer. Of course I really want to try a nibble or two and I'm sure the kids would find it a little weird if they caught me snacking on their "plastic" eggs.
Ashley also makes the cutest pumpkins and jack o' lanterns for Autumn and takes orders all year round. Make sure you visit her site and take a glance around. Without further ado I'm going to post my eggs and let the pictures speak for themselves.

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