Me "I made sushi."
Him (suspiciously and hopefully) "Really?! You did?".
Me "Uh. Yeah. I wouldn't say I had if I hadn't would I?"
Him "Yes. Yes you would".
Ha! I proved him wrong! I did make sushi. Unfortunately for him it just wasn't of the eating variety. It was more of the stab it with tiny sharp pointed objects variety. One thing I learned is that my husband is not nearly as interested in the latter variety as he is in the former.
I did document my latest sewing adventure though. I'm not sure why. Maybe because Thing 1 wandered past just as I sat down to sew with my camera in her hands. It worries me when she has anything breakable in her hands so I rescued the camera and then proceeded to become the world's biggest dork. Not only because I actually made a sushi pincushion, but because I documented it as well.
The next step involves math, so don't attempt to do this early in the morning without coffee. You need to multiply the diameter of your rice circle by pi in order to find out it's circumference. Whee!
For those of you who insist on doing this without coffee that means you need to measure across the center of your circle, multiply that by 3.14 so that you know how long around your rice is. Then you need to add another inch to your calculations and write it down somewhere so you don't forget it and have to repeat this step over and over and over and over.... like a certain somebody you know.
Now cut out a green piece of felt that is as long as the above measurement and half as wide. If you came up with (for example) 9 inches in step two then your rectangle should measure 9" by 4 1/2".
Now cut two identical circles and one rectangle out of a good lining fabric. I used a heavy cotton for mine.
Now you need to turn the sushi right side out. Puff your green felt up at the edges just a bit around the white rice circle and do a running stitch around the edge. Make sure you stitch in the ditch of the seam created by sewing the green and white felt to each other. This will form a small lip around your sushi so it doesn't look a puffy tube. You can skip this step if you really want to since it's only for aesthetic purposes anyways.
Just a picture to show you how I'm stitching around the edge of the green and up through the ditch created by the seams. Then take the needle back down through the ditch and repeat til you get to the end.
Next you need to get a few little clips of various colors of felt for your veggies and raw fish. Have fun playing around with it until you find a design that you think resembles real sushi. You'll have to delude yourself a bit for this step, as it's nearly impossibly to make felt resemble raw fish.
Just squint really hard and use your imagination.
Roll down the bottom of the green felt and lining until you have your pincushion at a height that you like and pin it all in place. Double check to make sure you have everything even the whole way around or you'll end up with some lopsided sushi once it's all said and done. Next you need to match the right sides of the second white circle/lining to the bottom of your green rectangle and start to sew it together the same as you did for the top.
Only sew it about halfway around for the time being and then stop!
Now that you've gotten your bottom rice circle partially sewn on and you're certain everything is lined up the way it should be go ahead and remove the pins that are along the side seam of felt. These are the pins that are currently inside your project. I left the very bottom pin in mine just to help hold everything in place. Next finish sewing the rest of the way around your white circle to attach it.
Depending on what height you decided for your cushion you may need to trim off some excess green felt and lining material at this point. Just make sure not to accidentally cut into the the actual cushion.
Or your fingers either. That wouldn't be good. You probably wouldn't be able to finish the project if you did that, which would be a tragedy since you've gotten this far.
Okay, now gently pull apart your side seam a bit and poke your cushion into it so you can turn it right side out. FYI: This is probably the easiest step of the whole project
Poke just a tiny bit of stuffing inside your sushi to give it a bit of shape. Rearrange your side seam until it looks good remembering to keep the inner lining folded in a bit. Next sew down the seam about 3/4 t0 1 centimeter in from the edge. After you've sewn half way down your seam stop. Now finish stuffing your cushion. Poke in enough stuffing so that it's firm but not so much that it's bursting at the seams. Try to find a nice medium between the two.
Once you've done that finish sewing down the seam and then turn the whole thing and sew back up the side seam to the top. The double line of stitches helps to reinforce the seam but also gives it a neater appearance by hiding whatever little bit of lining that would otherwise be visible.
Knot your thread and trim any loose ends and your done!
Annoying little project isn't it?
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